Surcharge for difficult working conditions
Surcharge for difficult working conditions on collection and deliveries of full Container Loads by truck to/from depots in Switzerland.
Swiss container truck operators have started implementing a surcharge for difficult working conditions as of April 1st, 2018. This surcharge amounts to USD 50.00 per 20’ or 40’ container and applies per round trip depot/depot to each and every container. We are not in a position to absorb this cost any longer, and are thus forced to charge this amount forward to our correspondents and customers both nation- and worldwide, on all future container movements, as of June 1st, 2018.
Operators have given the following reasons for the implementation of above surcharge:
- Heavy congestion at all container depots, especially in North-Western Switzerland, which leads to trucks standing in line at the depots for many hours prior to being allowed charging / discharging containers.
- Heavily congested traffic situation on a daily basis on all surrounding routes in the agglomerations of Basel and Zurich in particular.
We can confirm that above situations are indeed a daily burden, without any alleviation in sight in either short or medium term. After intensive discussions with our providers, we have come to realize that the surcharge cannot be averted. It is completely beyond our control. It is further expected that this surcharge will be firmly implemented in all local container trucking tariffs at some point in the future.
We thank you for your understanding and take this opportunity in thanking you for your continued support.